Our mediators specialise in helping separating couples deal with their property and finances. This can include helping you decide how to settle existing debts and bills with the least delay to avoid additional costs.  It can involve the division of savings and assets in a way that you both feel is most equitable.

Like solicitors, family mediators work within the parameters of family law to help you arrive at an agreement that can be made legally binding.

Your mediator will help you both:

  • look at your current situation

  • identify all of your assets and liabilities

  • discuss what needs dealing with immediately so that you avoid getting into further debt

  • explore in detail the different options each of you put forward with regard to a settlement

  • consider how the suggested proposals will work for each of you individually and, if applicable, how it will best ensure your children’s futures

  • arrive at an agreement that the two of you feel is fairest and is within the parameters of the law so that your agreement on finances can be made legally binding


At the point where the two of you reach an agreed proposal, the mediator will ask both of you to discuss it with your individual solicitors before it is agreed and taken forward. This gives you the opportunity to ensure that your proposed agreement is realistic, and the confidence that you have made good decisions. If you don’t already have a solicitor, our Family Solicitor Directory can help you find one.